Every third Saturday, during Saturday Stroll, artists, Jesse Smith and Bizhan Khodabandeh paint live outdoors on the 200 block of W. Broad Street. Guest artists are regularly invited to paint along side Smith and Khodabandeh. This is a chance for art goers to witness both the process and the final product. The final 4' by 4' wood panel pieces are available for sale at reasonable prices.
Jesse Smith is an internationally recognized tattoo artist and illustrator, currently tattooing at Ghostprint Gallery. Jesse has received numerous awards for his Tattoo work and has also been featured in many national, and international, publications. He was recently included in a book called "Tattoo Prodigies" which included 83 of the most innovative tattoo artists to date.
Bizhan Khodabandeh is a local graphic designer and design instructor for both higher and K-12 education. He has received numerous international and national awards for his design work, including: placing in Adbusters’ One Flag Competition, selected for Good 50x70’s poster project and recognition for his “I Dream of a Richmond ...” Campaign by the American institute for Graphic Arts’ via the International Cross-Cultural Design Awards.
Saturday Stroll is a daytime initiative created by downtown Richmond businesses to encourage local shopping, dining and public festivities in Midtown Richmond. Saturday Stroll takes place on the 3rd Saturday of every month from 11AM - 4PM. This even is free and open to the public.