This poster was designed for 18"X25" poster, 11"X17" flyers, 4"X6" post cards, and 4"x6" private invitations.

Based on the above poster a poster specific to the Pre-Halloween Party was developed for 11"X17," but as these things sometimes go it was printed scale to fit on a 8.5"X11."

This months "Gallery5 After 5" lecture was also design using this system at 8.5" by 14."
Info about the month long celebration below.
Gallery5 PresentsDia de los MuertosSaturday, October 30th - Saturday, November 13th
Gallery5's observance of Dia de Los Muertos will be a multicultural experience, integrating traditional practices with events relevant to the immediate community. The holiday exists today as a fusion of Aztec rites from the Pre-Hispanic era, Roman Catholic beliefs, and modern secular interpretations that vary from city to city across Latin America, parts of the U.S., Canada, and Europe. These festivities celebrate death as a continuation of life and provide a time to reflect on our own lives and the lives of those no longer with us.
By observing such rich and vibrant traditions, Gallery5 hopes to encourage participation by a wider range of demographics, and to challenge common paradigms associated with death. Dia de los Murtos at Gallery5 will include several days of festivities, workshops and live performances. The celebration will begin on Saturday, October 30th and culminate in a Dia de los Muertos festival on November 13th.
All to be held at Gallery5
200 W Marshall St
Richmond, VA 23222
Festival Sponsored byRVANews
WRIR 97.3
One South Realty Group
Magic Hat Brewing Co.
With special contributions fromThe Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
The Latin Ballet of Virginia
National Hispanic Cultural Center
The University of Richmond
Virginia Commonwealth University
Justin Laughter
World of Mirth
Premiere Costumes
Main Art Supply
Moe’s Southwest Grill (10839 W. Broad, Mechanicsville)
Saturday, October 30th
Pre-Halloween Dinner Party7PM / $10 per person ($8 for members)
An early evening of great local performers and food to kick off your Halloween night!
Featuring Performances by Tequila Mockingbird
Silent Music Revival
Lobo Marino
Voix de Ville Follies
Richmond Comedy Coalition
and more!
Friday, November 5th
Public Opening Reception7PM – 11PM / FREE
This night will celebrate the opening of Memento Mori, an exhibition of contemporary art exploring death and the ephemeral in our main gallery upstairs. (On display until December 17th)
In our GallowLily’s craft gallery, we are excited to present La Danse Macabre, a solo exhibition of internationally recognized Papel Picado artist Catalina Delgado Trunk.
This night will also be an opportunity for audience members to add on to our Community Altar that will be constructed in our Lucent Phoenix space. Guests are encouraged to bring their own ofrendas (or offerings) in the form of small ephemera, flowers, unlit or electronic candles, clothing or non-perishable food. All food and clothing brought to Gallery5 will be donated to a charitable organization after the celebration. To encourage hands-on audience participation and give everyone an opportunity to take home part of the festivities, we will provide Traditional Craft Demonstrations. Learn how to make colorful tissue paper marigolds or mold and decorate you own sugar skull!
This evening will feature traditional and contemporary performances inspired by Dia de los Muertos. Seasonal brews available!
Featuring Performances byFrankzig
Members of the University of Richmond Theater Department
Daniel Jose' Custo'dio
Flamenco Del Sur (Clarke Hedgepath on guitar, Derrick Englert on bass and Andy Brockmann on percussion)
D.J.’s provided by
WRIR 97.3
Also presentingOfrenda to the Disremembered: A multimedia installation by Salvador Barajas, Danah Bella, Liz Canfield, and John Priestly.
"Ofrenda to the Disremembered" is a trans-temporal re-examination of the Mexican tale of la Llorona, whose unthinkable act of desperate infanticide in the face of colonialist oppression made her, variously in different versions, a monster, a cautionary tale anti-heroine, and the protector of border transgressors. This multimedia performance considers la Llorona in a borderland defined by NAFTA, anchor babies, and nannygates in the border fence.
Colectivo caliban is a sound and movement performance ensemble comprising a creative intersection between modern dance troupe d a n a h b e l l a DanceWorks and three multimedia artists who met through the Media Art & Text interdisciplinary doctoral program at VCU. Their work investigates deterritorialization, crossing borders between bodily self and society, subject and object, noise and music.
Wednesday, November 10th
Gallery5 After 5: A Happy Hour Lecture Series
5PM - 9PM / FREE
Andrew Chesnut of VCU's School of World Studies, presents a lecture, Viva La Muerte: The Cult of Saint Death and the Days of the Dead in Mexico”
Also Screening: Death: A film by Matt Lively and Alex Germanotta (30 mins)
Matt Lively and Alex Germanotta both graduated from VCU and teamed up to make films. Alex is the Emmy-winning film wizard and Matt is the tireless internationally exhibited art-maker. The 30-minute documentary "Death" is the first collaboration between them. Lively and Germanotta are currently working on an animated short called "The Wind Chill Factory."
Saturday, November 13th
Dia de los Muertos Food & Craft Festival
11AM - 7PM/ FREE
This will be the culmination of Gallery5’s observance of Dia de los Muertos.
It will be a FREE all-day festival of live music, performance, and workshops.
A full schedule of workshops, performances and vendors will be available soon!