Gallery5 and CultureWorks present: Gallery5 After 5, a free-to-the-public event. The next show will be a super fun action packed event! Our guest speaker will be Mr. Patrick Godfrey of Velocity Comics hosting a round table discussion on various aspects of the Comic Book business featuring Chris Pitzer of AdHouse Books, comics writer Rick Spears & more! Music will be provided by Herschel Stratego and Paul Ivey as The Ph Balance. Also, a very special addition ...will be a live version of Robots Vs Humans (DRUM SOLO CONTEST!!) That's right-- a drum playin' robot and a drum playin' human go at it in front of your very eyes!
Gallery5 After 5 FREE Wed Feb 09, 2011 Doors at 5:30pm music soon after
the Ph balance Patrick Godfrey's roundtable Robots vs Humans Drum contest!
Below are images of Valentine's Day post cards designed to resemble famous artists and movements. The post cards will be available on February 4th, First Friday. All proceeds go to benefit Gallery5.
By Kevin Zweerink in the style of Piet Mondrian
By Kevin Zweerink using a process from the Dada Movement
By Bizhan Khodabandeh in the style of René Magritte.
Bizhan Khodabandeh in the style of Roy Lichtenstein.
Card back designed by Kevin Zweerink and Bizhan Khodabandeh