Above is the original logo based on a sign painted for Gallery5 by artist Fred Pinckard (Pre-Bizhan Khodabandeh).

Above are the first logo sketches by Bizhan Khodabandeh - who continued to work on the Gallery5 identity. Logo sketches were designed with the prompt to reference history of the building. The designer's hope was for Gallery5 to choose the more innovative design concept (seen on top right). The top right logo was intended as a reference to the constant evolution of the art organization.

Gallery5's staff approved the top right logo concept. Above are the second generation logo sketches that led to the 2007 version of the logo.

The staff wanted more direct references to the building's history. Above is final 2007 logo design using fire fighting references. The serifs refer to old fire fighter helmets. The embellishments on the characters refer to some of the cast iron ornamentation on the building. From left to right top to bottom: original custom type, embellished custom type, 2007 version, 2009 simplified version.

Current 2011 logo was designed to look more "modern" as prompted by the Gallery5 directors.