You can purchase a copy here.
Also recently received the catalogue for a group exhibition of posters on the occupy movement that was up in Italy. My poster was featured in the exhibition and is seen in the catalogue (see below image.). The exhibition's title was "We are the 99%." It was up in Bolzano,Italy at AR/GE Kunst Gallery and Museum in March.

The exhibit that I co-curated with Xu Li titled, US/China Typographic Poster Exchange 2013, has been taken down, but will be up in September at Virginia State University (more on that soon). RVANews did a great article on the exhibit found here. Some photos of the exhibit can be seen here. More info about the Chinese counterparts can be found here.

I participated as an illustrator for a book celebrating the history of the Civil War with fictional writing titled, "Remapping Richmond’s Hallowed Ground." They are having an event this Sunday August 11, 2013. The event includes live music and public readings. More info here.