Article that I wrote on the Golden Ratio for Making Comics. You can read the article here. From Making Comics: “It is important to recognize that composition within panels helps the reading flow just as much as the gutters and layout of the overall page. I also focus especially on the use of diagonals. They are an easy way to make the comic dynamic during points in the story that can come across as bland without them.” Stuck on laying out a page? This article by Bizhan Khodabandeh, drawing techniques related to the Golden ratio, may help.

The Society of Illustrators has officially posted their Comics and Cartooning annual winners. You an see an article about the winners here. I won a Silver Medal for the bellow strip.

An interview on my infinite canvas Kickstarter on Making Comics. Read the article here.

Article about my Kickstarter on RVA Magazine's website. Read the article here.