
Inpiration, cool stuff, etc #6

French street artist, ZEVS, has interview about his "Battle of the brands" street art. ZEVS is currently out on bail from Hong Kong authorities and will be responsible for up to $860,000 USD if convicted.

Why Graffiti Is A Good Thing an article on the positive facets of graffiti by Favianna Rodriguez.

Obesity Rates-info-graphic of obesity rates in the United states.

10:56:20 PM EDT 7/20/69 a commemorative book on the CBS coverage of the moon landing by Lou Dorfsman.

Weirdly Beautiful Spacecraft Models is a photo album of spacecraft models thanks to Life Magazine.

Victory against plastic waste!!! sculpture, Jean-Marie Perdrix, developed a process to recycle plastic trash which as been used to replace wood materials for constructing African drums.

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